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To steer the overall process, take formal decisions on the content of the future programme and select our thematic priorities, we have set up a programming committee. EU-programmet Interreg Nord stöttar gränsöverskridande samarbete med avsikt att stärka den ekonomiska och sociala utvecklingen under perioden 2014-2020. Det övergripande målet för Nordprogrammet är att förstärka programområdets konkurrenskraft och attraktivitet. Programmet omfattar norra Sverige, norra Finland, norra Norge samt Sápmi.

Interreg iva programme

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The Interreg IVA programme covers 52 sub-programmes, which use up to 74% of all the resources allocated to Interreg IV: 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL) Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein (DE-AT-CH-LI) Amazonia (FR-BR-SU) Austria - Czech Republic (AT-CZ) Austria - Hungary (AT - HU) Bavaria - Austria (DE-AT) Bavaria What is Interreg? The INTERREG VA Programme is one of 60 similar funding programmes across the European Union that have been designed to help overcome the issues that arise from the existence of a border. These issues range from access to transport, health and social care services, environmental issues and enterprise development. List of the Interreg IVb programmes: Alpine Space programme Atlantic Area programme Baltic Sea programme Caribbean Area programme Central Europe programme Indian Ocean Area programme MAC programme - Açores-Madeira-Canarias Mediterranean programme North Sea Region programme North West Europe The interregional co-operation programme (INTERREG IVC) and 3 networking programmes (Urbact II, Interact II and ESPON) cover all Member States of the EU. They provide a framework for exchanging experience between regional and local bodies in different countries. The €256m INTERREG IVA Programme was designed to help address the economic and social problems which result from the existence of borders. It supported strategic cross-border co-operation to help create a more prosperous and sustainable region. The Central Baltic Programme 2014-2020, belongs to the European Territorial Cooperation framework (ETC).

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24-25.03.2021 > EU INTERREG IVA Programme 2007-2013 EU INTERREG IVA Programme 2007-2013 On behalf of both Departments of Health, the CAWT Partnership managed a range of cross border health and social care projects which were part financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG IVA cross border programme (2008 to 2014) managed by the Special EU Programmes Body. EU INTERREG VA Programme 2014-2020 The INTERREG VA Programme (2014-2020) is one of 60 programmes across the European Union designed to promote greater levels of cross-border co-operation. The eligible area for the INTERREG VA Programme includes Northern Ireland, the Border Counties of Ireland and Western Scotland. Funded Projects.

Interreg iva programme

Experiences from cooperaMon between regional authoriMes

Those videos promote the results of projects funded by the programme under the following themes: - support to business development, - development of employment opportunities for young people in the nautical sector, Neue Ausgabe des Interreg Alpine Space Newsletters: Invitation to the Connect @lpine Space 2021+ online events on 5, 10 and 12 May! Erscheinungsdatum: 20.04.2021 Neue Ausgabe des Programminfo Deutschland zum Interreg B-Alpenraumprogramm The FCE region currently uses a destination-based tourism approach based on conventional, mass-market locations during peak season.

Interreg iva programme

This goal is to be achieved by means of local and regional projects between partners from the various areas in the Greater Region. European Territorial Cooperation Video: The Interreg IVA programme covers 52 sub-programmes, which use up to 74% of all the resources allocated to Interreg IV: 2 SEAS (FR-UK-BE-NL) Alpenrhein-Bodensee-Hochrhein (DE-AT-CH-LI) Amazonia (FR-BR-SU) Austria - Czech Republic (AT-CZ) Austria - Hungary (AT - HU) Bavaria - Austria (DE-AT) Bavaria - Czech Republic (DE-CZ) The INTERREG IVA Programme for Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland is a European Union supported Structural Funds Programme which seeks to address the economic and social problems which result from the existence of borders. It supports strategic cross-border co-operation for a more prosperous and sustainable region.
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Programmet omfattar norra Sverige, norra Finland, norra Norge samt Sápmi.

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EUROPAFORUMHässleholm - Mynewsdesk

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The INTERREG IVA Programme for Northern Ireland, the Border Region of Ireland and Western Scotland is a European Union supported Structural Funds Programme which seeks to address the economic and social problems which result from the existence of borders. It supports strategic cross-border co-operation for a more prosperous and sustainable region. Interreg is a series of programmes to stimulate cooperation between regions in and out of the European Union (EU), funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

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Central Baltic INTERREG IVA Programme is a new  Arbetet har finansierats av EU:s Central Baltic Interreg IV A-program och ingår som I så fall ska Länsstyrelsen överpröva kommunens planbeslut. Det är först  PROGRAMME.

24-25.03.2021 > EU INTERREG IVA Programme 2007-2013 EU INTERREG IVA Programme 2007-2013 On behalf of both Departments of Health, the CAWT Partnership managed a range of cross border health and social care projects which were part financed by the European Union’s European Regional Development Fund through the INTERREG IVA cross border programme (2008 to 2014) managed by the Special EU Programmes Body.