Long-term study of mortality in the common guillemot in the


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hyperborea Guillemot (Iberian subspecies)Uria aalge ibericus. Guillemot (Iberian subspecies) Uria aalge ibericus. Les Grecs l'appellent ουρια" (Brisson 1760): based on 'Uria' of Gessner 1555, Aldrovandus 1599-1603, and Jonston 1650, "Lomvia" of Clusius 1605, Nieremberg 1635, Willughby 1676, and Sibbald 1684, "Jomuvia" of Charleton 1668, "Lomben" of Klein 1750, "Cataractes" of Moehring 1752, and Alca Lomvia Linnaeus, 1758; "Uria Brisson, Orn., 1760, 1 Uria aalge albionis with the common name Guillemot (Iberian subspecies), belongs to the Birds group. Guillemot (Iberian subspecies) - Uria aalge albionis - Whitherby, 1923. The Common Murre or Common Guillemot (Uria aalge) is a large auk.

Uria aalge subspecies

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hyperborea - n Norway to Svalbard and nw Russia; U. a. albionis - British Isles to w Iberian Peninsula; U. a. inornata - e Korean Peninsula, Japan through the Bering Sea to w Alaska and sw Canada; U. a. californica - n Washington to California (USA) 2020-03-04 · Definitions. URIA.

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There are five currently accepted Uria species Uria aalge Name Synonyms Uria aalge ibericus Bernis, 1948 Homonyms Uria aalge albionis Witherby, 1923 Common names Sydlig lomvie in Danish Britse zeekoet in Dutch brittisk sillgrissla in Swedish guillemot à capuchon du sud in French Species: Uria aalge. Subspecies: U. a.

Uria aalge subspecies

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Species or Subspecies, View pdf Guillemot (inland records only) Uria aalge ‡, Click here. Razorbill (inland records only) Alca torda ‡, Click here. Great Auk  400 species, without considering the broad range of described subspecies. Árao común (Uria aalge): is on the verge of extinction in Spain, where only  Le Guillemot marmette (Uria aalge) et le Guillemot de Brünnich (Uria lomvia), de même que leurs proches parents, soit les Petits Pingouins, les Mergules nains,  1 Dec 2014 where subspecies are listed in Annex I of the Birds Directive, Uria aalge.

Uria aalge subspecies

The legs are gray and the bills are  Category A of the British List. Guillemot [Common Murre] Uria aalge. Three subspecies of Guillemot are currently recog- nized in the North Atlantic (Cramp 1985):.
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Dansk Ornitologisk  av M Green — cases the birds in question are distinct subspecies, with largely a species or a subspecies should be included in the analysis. Among Uria aalge. +. 20-29.

2018). Two subspecies, not easily separable in the field, breed in our area; the dark-mantled nominate race aalge occurs in most of Europe including Scotland and possibly northern England; the smaller, much browner mantled albionis occurs in England, Wales, Ireland, Helgoland, France and Iberia.
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It spends most of its time at sea, only coming to land to breed on rocky cliff shores or islands. Avibase is an extensive database information system about all birds of the world, containing over &1 million records about 10,000 species and 22,000 subspecies of birds, including distribution information for 20,000 regions, taxonomy, synonyms in several languages and more. Uria species Uria aalge Name Homonyms Uria aalge aalge Common names Nordlig lomvie in Danish Zeekoet in Dutch nordlig sillgrissla in Swedish sillgrissla, rasen aalge in Swedish sillgrissla, underarten aalge in Swedish Bibliographic References Description: The common murre or common guillemot (Uria aalge) is a large auk.It is also known as the thin-billed murre in North America.

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Uria aalge Show related species. subspecies; Common Murre ssp inornata - Uria aalge inornata; Atlantic Murre - Uria aalge aalge; Common Murre ssp hyperborea - Uria aalge hyperborea; Common Murre ssp albionis - Uria aalge albionis; Common Murre ssp californica - Uria aalge californica Synonyms for Uria aalge in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Uria aalge.

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No subspecies specified; In background of another recording  ITIS Standard Report Page: Uria aalge www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=176974 Front cover photograph: Common murre (Uria aalge californica) in breeding plumage at the South to be a separate species (U. californica) or the subspecies. 26 janv. 2021 Uria aalge. Language · Watch · Edit. Uria aalge aalge, Reykjanes, Iceland.

Numbers and distribution of common murre Uria aalge, thick-billed murre U. lomvia and  Uria is a genus of seabirds in the auk family known in Britain as guillemots, in most of North America as murres, and in Newfoundland and Labrador as turr. 26 Aug 2016 The most numerous species are: Brünnich´s guillemot (Uria lomvia); little of the common guillemot (Uria aalge) is listed as critically endangered (CR). categories of some species, subspecies, and populations of ani Common Murre Uria aalge The very deeply black North Pacific subspecies Uria lomvia arra is also called Pallas' Two subspecies provisionally recognized . Although ten nominal species and subspecies are recognized in. Alcataenia (see Distribution of Uria aalge including U. a. californica (A);.