MU2000DOC - Ove Tedenstig - StudyLib



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Pomeron odderon

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Pomeron and Odderon from TGD point of view. March 2021; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24551.57764 The pomeron is generally believed to be responsible for a wide variety of phenomena, such as elastic scattering, rapidity gaps, and vector meson production. In addition, a CP-odd partner of the pomeron, the odderon, has been postulated from theoretical considerations, but could not yet be established experimentally. 2021-03-19 · When it’s an even-numbered group of gluons (two, four, etc.), we call it a pomeron.

chapt8a - Swedish Association for New Physics

Now, a Swedish-Hungarian research group has discovered the mythical particle with the help of extensive analysis of experimental data from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland. the interference of Pomeron and Odderon exchange amplitudes.

Pomeron odderon

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Odderons exist in QCD as a compound state of three reggeized gluons. It was potentially observed only in 2017 by the TOTEM experiment at the LHC. BFKL Pomeron or its strong AdS dual the closed string graviton [1]. However di erence of particle anti-particle cross sections are given by a so-called Odderon carrying C = -1 quantum numbers identi ed in weak coupling with odd numbers of exchanged gluons.

Pomeron odderon

QCD describes the Pomeron as protons exchanging an 2019-05-02 · Blend of odd +‎ pomeron.
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We consider the pomeron-  Strong coupling expansion for the conformal pomeron/odderon trajectories.

The possible contribution of Odderon 2016-09-10 · We used a dynamical holographic softwall model to obtain even and odd spin glueball mass spectra and achieved the related Regge trajectories associated with the pomeron and the odderon, respectively. These trajectories are in good agreement with those found in [13] , [17] , [22] , [23] , [27] , [28] , [29] . A simple model for elastic diffractive hadron scattering, reproducing the dip-bump structure is used to analyze pp and ¯pp scattering.
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A dipole model is used for the pomeron and for the odderon. By construction, our (bare) pomeron ansatz produces a single dip, as observed experimentally. The model reproduces the logarithmically rising cross sections with a unit pomeron differs the odderon contribution from the Pomeron one: (i) the behavior in the vicinity of the saturation scale cannot be derived from the linear evolution in a dramatic difference with the Pomeron case; (ii) a substantial decrease of the odderon contribution with the energy; and (iii) the lack of geometric scaling behavior.

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Pomeron - Pomeron -

”This is a particle physics milestone! Pomeron is a Reggeon with the intercept close to 1.

MU2000DOC - Ove Tedenstig - StudyLib

And now a research team, involving researchers from Lund University, has succeeded in identifying the Odderon in connection with an advanced data analysis study at the particle accelerator CERN. ”This is a particle physics milestone! 2021-03-19 · The Odderon particle is what briefly forms when protons collide in high-energy collisions, Protons are made up of quarks and gluons, that briefly form Odderon and Pomeron particles.

pomeron,preon,primatom,primordial black holes,psions,pseudo. O: octonions,odderons. P: para-photons,parton,Perry poles,photino,Planck mass,plasmon,. pomeron,preon,primatom,primordial black holes,psions,pseudo. neutral gauge mesons(W'),newtonites,nuclearites O: octonions,odderons P: para-photons,parton,Perry poles,photino,Planck mass,plasmon, pomeron,preon  newtonites, nuclearites O: octonions,odderons P: para-photons,parton,Perry poles,photino,Planck mass, plasmon, pomeron,preon,primatom,primordial black  Odderon föreslogs först 1973, men faktiska bevis på dess existens Om ett jämnt antal gluoner byts ut kallas den partikel som skapas av dem en pomeron.